Iran may be reconsidering position on Syria

TEHRAN — As rebel forces advance and longtime allies in Moscow distance themselves, Syria's most faithful friend is recalculating as well: Iranian officials and analysts say the Islamic Republic has launched a vigorous internal debate about how firmly it will continue to support Syrian President Bashar Assad.

On the surface, Iranian officials stick to the view that Assad remains in control, and they welcome his emissaries. In Friday sermons, clerics close to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, accuse Israel and Western powers of plotting to bring Assad down.

But faced with the slow-motion collapse of Assad's regime, senior Iranian officials and clerics appear to be increasingly divided about how to respond. Under an Iranian peace plan unveiled this month, the Syrian president would remain in power through elections in 2014, although he could run again.

"The debate behind the curtains among experts and officials regarding the Syrian crisis is very hot," said an Iranian journalist with close ties to the office of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Staunch support for Bashar Assad's regime is costing the Islamic Republic of Iran a lot."

Shiite Muslim Iran faces increasing isolation if Assad is overthrown by predominantly Sunni Muslim rebels supported by Iran's regional rivals in the Persian Gulf. Iran would lose a key part of an anti-Israel alliance it has nurtured since the 1980s. And at a time when it faces tough international sanctions because of its nuclear program, Iran risks complicating its problems by being regarded as an obstacle on Syria.

Focusing the blame for the "Syria debacle" could also affect Iran's next presidential election, scheduled for June.

As the fighting approaches the two-year mark, the slaughter of Syrian civilians and Assad's slipping territorial control have prompted subtle shifts in Iran's position.

Its six-point peace plan appears aimed largely at shielding Assad in the short term, while opening the way for his departure. Although roundly rejected by the Syrian opposition, it offers a window into Iranian thinking about a conflict that officials here once believed that Assad would win.

"Compare the content of [special envoy] Lakhdar Brahimi's six-point plan with Iran's six-point plan, and you will find very similar phrases and sentences," said an Iranian Foreign Ministry official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Brahimi, backed by the United Nations and the Arab League, has proposed a transitional government including rebels and government officials who would serve until elections. It remains unclear what role, if any, Assad would have. Although Russia is distancing itself, it hasn't demanded Assad's departure. Washington says the Syrian president must go.

"Both sides should come to the negotiating table," said the Iranian Foreign Ministry official. "Iran is sure it can keep Bashar in power until a 2014 presidential election, and then keep the state structure in Syria intact, with or without him."

The possibility that Assad, a member of the Alawite minority, a small offshoot of Shiite Islam, could fall shakes decades of Iranian assumptions about how to pursue its goals in the Middle East.

Since the 1980s, Iran and Syria have armed the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas, creating a united front against Israel and helping the two countries burnish their anti-Israeli credentials in the Muslim world.

When the Syrian uprising began in March 2011, it was largely a peaceful effort aimed at gaining greater democracy. But Assad met it with force, and over time the opposition developed into an armed insurrection with sectarian dimensions.

The battle is no longer about basic rights, but a struggle between Assad and the country's Sunni majority. Iran encouraged Assad to crush the resistance, not wishing to lose an important partner in the Arab world. It also was concerned about the rise of Syrian Sunnis who could fall under the influence of Turkey and Sunni monarchies of the Persian Gulf that are hostile to Iran.

Iran acknowledged sending Revolutionary Guard advisors to Syria, but then denied it. The Islamic Republic has been accused of arming Assad's security forces.

Among the consequences of the Syria conflict has been a crack in the anti-Israeli alliance. Hamas has broken with Damascus, and its relations with Iran have been strained by the fighting in Syria. Iran is also hard-pressed by economic sanctions over its nuclear program. Tension with the international community over its support for Assad could make it more difficult for Tehran to build the goodwill to cut a deal, if it chooses to do so.

Iran's military, religious and political elite are finding it hard to come to grips with the idea that their strategy of unconditionally backing Assad is no longer working. The realization that it was failing first came from academics and analysts working with the government, and has slowly permeated the halls of power.

"Unfortunately there is no other way to exit from this current crisis but the fall of President Bashar Assad," said Aziz Shahmohammadi, an analyst with close ties to the Foreign Ministry who has urged the Iranian leadership to prepare for the worst.

In addition to its peace plan, Tehran has explored talks with Syrian dissidents. The most prominent is Haytham Manna, who lives in Paris and represents the Damascus-based opposition umbrella group the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change. The group, which emphasizes peaceful change, has been tolerated by Assad.

Iran has talked with Manna about heading a government while Assad stays on as president until elections, said Hossian Royarvan, a state television analyst on Middle Eastern affairs.

"Manna … has taken trips to Tehran several times and talked with Iranian officials. He wants the structure of state to remain intact as he thinks the structure is in the national interest, but he believes Bashar should quit," said Royarvan. "So Iran is talking with him and trying to find a solution for Syria through dialogue. There is no military solution."

The anxiety has crept into Iranian media, where censors had permitted no criticism or negative stories about Assad until about two months ago. Pro-government and opposition papers have both started running articles that forecast the end of Assad's rule.

On Tuesday, the pro-government paper Etellaat, whose editor is selected by Khamenei, published a story saying that the U.S. and Russia had crafted a joint plan for a transitional government in Syria, which both countries have denied. It included a call by a senior Hamas leader for Assad to be removed from power.

"In the beginning we supported the Syrian government extensively and ignored the opposition and even called them terrorists. It has cost Iran a lot among the Muslims," Abbas Abdi, a leader of the hostage-taking at the U.S. Embassy in 1979, said in the reformist daily Etemad last weekend.

Abdi said he believed Iran's new peace plan could have made a difference if it had come earlier, but now it was too little, too late. He called his piece: "Feeling sorry for the lost opportunity in Syria."

Special correspondents Mostaghim reported from Tehran and Sandels from Beirut. Times staff writer Ned Parker in Beirut contributed to this report.

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So Last Year: RIM Dumps Cloud Hosting Acquisition

Last year, RIM — maker of the BlackBerry smartphone line — acquired NewBay, a cloud hosting service, for $100 million. But on Friday, Synchronoss, a mobile software company, announced that it is buying NewBay from RIM for $55 million cash.

The New Bay acquisition was seen as a way for RIM to compete with other file hosting and sync services, such as Apple iCloud, Amazon Cloud Drive, and Google Docs (now Google Drive). File sync services were hot at the time. Box was rumored to have turned down a $500,000+ acquisition deal, and Dropbox reportedly turned down a nine-figure acquisition offer from Apple. And Citrix acquired ShareFile, a lesser-known player.

RIM had been acquiring companies like contact management firm Gist and appointment management tool Tungle, suggesting the company was building out a stack of cloud-based mobile apps that would be independent of its own BlackBerry line. Meanwhile, rumor spread that the company would release a cross-platform version of BlackBerry Messenger as competing services like Beluga, GroupMe, and Kik began to challenge the product’s dominance.

As RIM bled market share to Apple and Samsung, these moves suggested that RIM could save itself by becoming a hardware-agnostic mobile software company. That hasn’t happened.

Although RIM began supporting Android and iOS on its popular BlackBerry Enterprise Server, the device management market has dozens of other players, including Good, which actually licenses RIM technology, and Microsoft, which has only recently joined the fray. And RIM shuttered both Gist and Tungle earlier this year to focus on developing similar BlackBerry-only products, and denies that a cross-platform version is on the roadmap.

With the sale of NewBay, it appears any hope for a cross-platform RIM is dead.

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Actress Katie Holmes’ Broadway show to close

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Actress Katie Holmes‘ return to Broadway has been cut short, with producers announcing that the play “Dead Accounts” in which she co-stars will close on January 6, nearly two months early.

Holmes, the ex-wife of actor Tom Cruise, played Lorna, a wan, beaten-down woman living with her parents in the five-character play by Theresa Rebeck which opened on November 29 to mostly negative reviews.

No reason was given for the play’s early closing, but media reports said it was earning only a fraction of its box office potential.

Many reviewers said Holmes acquitted herself alongside a roster of Broadway veterans, who included Tony-winning actor Norbert Leo Butz as the brother who returns to his Midwestern family and unleashes havoc in the comedy.

The New York Daily News said “she throws herself gamely into her second Broadway show … (but) Holmes’ efforts add up to zilch.”

Most critics laid blame on an undeveloped, sketchy play by the author of last season’s better-received “Seminar.”

Holmes, 34, reached a high-profile divorce settlement with Cruise last summer. She lives in New York with her young daughter, Suri. Holmes will co-star in an upcoming film which will be a modernization of Chekhov’s “The Seagull” along with Allison Janney and William Hurt.

(Reporting by Chris Michaud; Editing by Patricia Reaney and Vicki Allen)

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Surgery Returns to NYU Langone Medical Center

Chang W. Lee/The New York Times

Senator Charles E. Schumer spoke at a news conference Thursday about the reopening of NYU Langone Medical Center.

NYU Langone Medical Center opened its doors to surgical patients on Thursday, almost two months after Hurricane Sandy overflowed the banks of the East River and forced the evacuation of hundreds of patients.

While the medical center had been treating many outpatients, it had farmed out surgery to other hospitals, which created scheduling problems that forced many patients to have their operations on nights and weekends, when staffing is traditionally low. Some patients and doctors had to postpone not just elective but also necessary operations for lack of space at other hospitals.

The medical center’s Tisch Hospital, its major hospital for inpatient services, between 30th and 34th Streets on First Avenue, had been closed since the hurricane knocked out power and forced the evacuation of more than 300 patients, some on sleds brought down darkened flights of stairs.

“I think it’s a little bit of a miracle on 34th Street that this happened so quickly,” Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York said Thursday.

Mr. Schumer credited the medical center’s leadership and esprit de corps, and also a tour of the damaged hospital on Nov. 9 by the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, W. Craig Fugate, whom he and others escorted through watery basement hallways.

“Every time I talk to Fugate there are a lot of questions, but one is, ‘How are you doing at NYU?’ ” the senator said.

The reopening of Tisch to surgery patients and associated services, like intensive care, some types of radiology and recovery room anesthesia, was part of a phased restoration that will continue. Besides providing an essential service, surgery is among the more lucrative of hospital services.

The hospital’s emergency department is expected to delay its reopening for about 11 months, in part to accommodate an expansion in capacity to 65,000 patient visits a year, from 43,000, said Dr. Andrew W. Brotman, its senior vice president and vice dean for clinical affairs and strategy.

In the meantime, NYU Langone is setting up an urgent care center with 31 bays and an observation unit, which will be able to treat some emergency patients. It will initially not accept ambulances, but might be able to later, Dr. Brotman said. Nearby Bellevue Hospital Center, which was also evacuated, opened its emergency department to noncritical injuries on Monday.

Labor and delivery, the cancer floor, epilepsy treatment and pediatrics and neurology beyond surgery are expected to open in mid-January, Langone officials said. While some radiology equipment, which was in the basement, has been restored, other equipment — including a Gamma Knife, a device using radiation to treat brain tumors — is not back.

The flooded basement is still being worked on, and electrical gear has temporarily been moved upstairs. Mr. Schumer, a Democrat, said that a $60 billion bill to pay for hurricane losses and recovery in New York and New Jersey was nearing a vote, and that he was optimistic it would pass in the Senate with bipartisan support. But the measure’s fate in the Republican-controlled House is far less certain.

The bill includes $1.2 billion for damage and lost revenue at NYU Langone, including some money from the National Institutes of Health to restore research projects. It would also cover Long Beach Medical Center in Nassau County, Bellevue, Coney Island Hospital and the Veterans Affairs hospital in Manhattan.

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Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf dies at 78

Norman Schwarzkopf, George Bush

Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and President George Bush, pictured in 1991, watch the National Victory Parade from a viewing stand in Washington.
(Ron Edmonds / AP / June 8, 1991)

Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who commanded the U.S.-led international coalition that drove Saddam Hussein's forces out of Kuwait in 1991, has died, according to a U.S. official. He was 78.

The official told the Associated Press that Schwarzkopf died Thursday in Tampa, Fla. The official wasn't authorized to release the information publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. A much-decorated combat soldier in Vietnam, Schwarzkopf was known popularly as “Stormin' Norman” for a notoriously explosive temper.

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John McAfee Tells World How He Fooled Cops and Escaped Belize

One of the reporters who snuck out of Belize with John McAfee earlier this month said the adventure was “dangerous, amazing, touching, and many other adjectives that I cannot remember right now.”

Turns out that the words that eluded him were “rainy” and “lucky.”

On the day after Christmas, McAfee posted a long blog post describing how he gave Belizean authorities the slip and snuck out of the country to avoid questioning (and in his estimation, wrongful prosecution) following the murder of his neighbor, Greg Faull.

“It’s visually interesting and it is mostly a happy story — in line with most Christmas stories,” he wrote.

The former software executive describes an operation that was heavy in advance planning and trickery. He says he planted a lookalike (“my double — a man I have known for over 30 years and who years ago and who years ago legally changed his name to John McAfee”) and had him picked up by authorities in the northern Belize-Mexico border, while he and a group of friends and reporters loaded up a truck and headed in the opposite direction, to a southern town called Punta Gorda. With the news that he’d been arrested broadcasting on a local news station, McAfee figured that checkpoint security would relax.

McAfee followed another friend who was driving one of his pickup trucks to avoid checkpoints on the highway. This was another decoy, McAfee said. “If they stopped the truck, I knew the checkpoint officers would be swarming all over it. Subsequent traffic would be likely to be waved through.”

But then, he also had a secret weapon: the weather. McAfee made sure that his dash happened on a rainy day. “In Belize, no checkpoint officers will ever stop a car in the rain,” he wrote.

He says he blew through all three highway checkpoints on that early December day without ever being stopped.

From Punta Gorda, he his 20-year-old girlfriend Samantha Vanegas and two Vice reporters sailed into Livingston, Guatemala.

A few days later, he was arrested in Guatemala, after the Vice reporters he was traveling with inadvertently disclosed his location. He was deported to Miami on December 12 and is now slowly driving west along back roads, his hair color changed, “staying at cut-rate motels and eating at Denny’s.”

He says he plans to tell his side of the story more completely — including, no doubt, a shot or two at his nemesis, the government of Belize — next Thursday. “People sometimes forget that I founded one of the largest computer security firms in the world, and I didn’t achieve that by not knowing how to access protected or secret information,” he wrote on Monday.

“I wear construction clothes one day, farmers clothes the next, and the next day dress like a traveling salesman,” he wrote on his blog. “I think my best friends would not recognize me.”

Or so he says.

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It’s husband No. 3 for actress Kate Winslet

NEW YORK (AP) — Kate Winslet has tied the knot again.

The Oscar-winning actress wed Ned Rocknroll in New York earlier this month. The private ceremony was attended by Winslet‘s two children as well as a few friends and family members, her representative said Thursday.

It is the third marriage for the 37-year-old Winslet. She was previously married to film directors Jim Threapleton and Sam Mendes.

The 34-year-old Rocknroll, who was born Abel Smith, is a nephew of billionaire Virgin Group founder Richard Branson.

The couple had been engaged since last summer.

Winslet won a Best Actress Oscar for her performance in the 2008 film “The Reader.”

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Former President George H.W. Bush in intensive care

Former President George H.W. Bush

Former President George H.W. Bush, seen in March, has been moved to intensive care at a Houston hospital.
(Tom Pennington / Getty Images)

Former President George H.W. Bush has been moved to the intensive care unit at Methodist Hospital in Houston, hospital officials confirmed to the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday.

Bush, 88, has been struggling with fever, weakness and a bronchitis-like cough, according to the Associated Press. He was originally planning to spend Christmas at home, but that plan was prevented by high fever.

Bush originally was checked into the hospital in November with bronchitis symptoms.

Bush suffers from vascular Parkinson’s disease and missed the Republican National Convention this year.


N.Y. gunman wrote that 'killing people' was what he did best

Newtown desperately needed Christmas after Sandy Hook massacre

Louisiana town is up in arms over resident's outdoor Christmas lights

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Google Music Self-Censoring Naughty Lyrics for Some Users

Cee-Lo’s F*#$ You has a great beat and all, but it’s not the type of thing you want queuing up with grandma in the room. No worries. Google’s got you covered. Some Google Music users complain the service is randomly replacing expletive-intensive songs with the duller, cleaner versions.

The Google Music Scan and Match feature has earned the wrath of some users by replacing explicit versions of songs with the kid-friendly clean versions. Even less fun, Droid Life reports that some people are seeing clean versions of songs replaced with explicit versions. That’s bad news when you expect to hear the sanitized version of Radiohead’s Creep while hanging out with your kids. Now you have to spend the rest of winter vacation explaining to them why they can’t sing how so f’ing special they are on the playground.

Google Music isn’t the first service to experience trouble determining which version of a song is being matched. Apple’s iTunes Match experienced the same issue when it launched. The problem stems from a few issues. First, the metadata for a particular song might not be correct, or it might be missing vital information. Like which version of the album the song was ripped or purchased from.

Also, it’s tougher for Google Music and other song-matching services to determine if a song is clean or explicit if a curse word only appears once or twice during the song. Cee-Lo’s F*#$ You is easier to rate because the change takes place throughout the entire song.

If you find that your favorite 2 Live Crew songs are completely unlistenable, Google told Wired that listeners could change the version of the song from within the Google Music player. In the Google Music Player, right-click the track with the incorrect version. Select “Fix incorrect match” from the contextual menu. The actual song file will be uploaded to the service instead of using Google’s matching system.

Not exactly user friendly, but better than listening to beeps over your favorite swear words. Everyone knows all the best music is full of swear words.

Roberto is a Wired Staff Writer for Gadget Lab covering augmented reality, home technology, and all the gadgets that fit in your backpack. Got a tip? Send him an email at: roberto_baldwin [at]

Read more by Roberto Baldwin

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Natalie Portman, Kristen Stewart most bankable Hollywood stars

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Actresses Natalie Portman and Kristen Stewart are Hollywood’s most bankable stars and provide studios with the highest average returns for their films, according to

Academy award winner Portman topped the list of best actors for the buck, providing about $ 42.70 for every dollar she earns.

“Black Swan,” for which she won her best actress Oscar, was produced for an estimated $ 13 million and earned $ 329 million in global box office sales.

“We estimate that for every dollar Portman is paid by the studios, she returns $ 42.70. Compare that to Eddie Murphy, our most overpaid star, who returns $ 2.30 for every dollar he gets paid,” said.

“Twilight” star Stewart was not far behind, bringing in $ 40.60. She also topped the Forbes list of highest-earning actresses with an estimated $ 34.5 million in salary in 2012.

“Stewart was able to earn a ton over the last three years and offer a healthy return thanks to ‘Twilight,’” according to “Even though she was paid $ 25 million to star in the last two films, she was clearly worth the money.” analyzed salaries, estimated box office grosses from the actor’s last three films over the previous three years to calculate the studio’s return on investment. The most bankable stars tended to be featured in the most profitable films.

Stewart’s two co-stars in the “Twilight” films were also good investments for the studio. Robert Pattinson came in fourth with a return of $ 31.70 and Taylor Lautner was No. 6, making $ 29.50 for the studio for every dollar he was paid.

(This story was refiled to correct spelling of Kristen)

(Editing by Steve Orlofsky)

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Q & A: Should Older Adults Be Vaccinated Against Chickenpox?

Q. Should a 65-year-old who has never had chickenpox be vaccinated against it?

A. In someone who has never had chickenpox, the vaccine would protect against a disease that is far more serious in adults than it is in children, said Dr. Mark S. Lachs, director of geriatrics for the NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College.

After childhood chickenpox, the varicella virus is never eliminated from the body but lies dormant in nerve roots. Decades later, it may reactivate along the nerve pathway and cause the very painful rash called shingles, and later, in many cases, a persistent pain called postherpetic neuralgia, or PHN.

Therefore, for most people over 60, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the shingles vaccine. It safely reduces (but does not eliminate) the risk of both shingles and PHN in those who have had chickenpox, Dr. Lachs said.

In someone who never had chickenpox, he said, the concern is not shingles but adult chickenpox, which has “fatality rates 25 times higher than in children.”

Such a person should instead be vaccinated against a primary infection with the varicella virus, Dr. Lachs said. The vaccine differs in strength from the one for shingles and is given in two injections, a month apart.


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Lakers snap Christmas Day streak with win over Knicks

Lakers 100, Knicks 94 (final)

The Lakers closed out the New York Knicks on Christmas Day to win their fifth in a row, avenging a Dec. 13 loss in New York, the low point of the season during a four-game losing streak. 

The Lakers haven't dropped a game since.

With the Lakers up by three points, Pau Gasol found a lane to the basket from the high post and flushed down a dunk to seal the victory with 11.6 seconds left.  Steve Nash, in his second game back from a leg injury, scored 16 points and dished 11 assists.

The Lakers shot 48.1% from the field but it was their defense that was instrumental in the victory, holding New York to only 16 points in the fourth quarter.

The Knicks shot 42.7% from the field despite 34 from Carmelo Anthony (13-23 shooting), who exploded in the third quarter to give the Knicks a nine-point lead.  The Lakers never led by more than five points.

Kobe Bryant also scored 34 points on 14-for-24 shooting.  Metta World Peace fouled out after scoring 20.  For the second consecutive game, Pau Gasol had six assists.

Knicks center Tyson Chandler also fouled out, finishing with six points and nine rebounds.  J.R. Smith helped carry the offensive load for New York with 25 points.

The Lakers will play on Wednesday night against the Nuggets in Denver.

Knicks 78, Lakers 77 (end of third quarter)

The Lakers survived a 17-point quarter from Carmelo Anthony to close to within one point after three quarters.

Falling behind by as many as nine points after halftime, the Lakers had a chance to go up by a point but Kobe Bryant missed a pair of free throws with 2.6 seconds left in the quarter.

Anthony climbed to 27 points for the game on 11-for-20 shooting while his Knicks shot 43.8% through three.  J.R. Smith contributed 20 points off the bench.

The Lakers were led by Bryant's 26 points on 11-for-18 shooting, while getting 18 points from Metta World Peace and 14 from Steve Nash.

Some of New York's lead was earned from behind the three-point line with eight makes in 22 tries.  The Lakers shot 48.3% from the field but only five of 18 (27.8%) from three-point range.

World Peace started the second half in place of Darius Morris but Anthony had the hot hand.

Lakers 51, Knicks 49 (halftime)

For the second consecutive quarter, the Lakers closed well against the Knicks. After New York's reserves had helped push the Knicks to a six-point advantage, the Lakers rallied to take a two-point lead at halftime.

Carmelo Anthony and Metta World Peace battled through a very physical period, challenging each other in the post. Anthony finished the half with 10 points while World Peace had a game-high 16 points after coming off the Lakers' bench.

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A Look Inside Tarantino's <em>Django Unchained</em> Comic Book

Django Unchained opens in theaters today, but the big screen isn’t the only way to see the newest work by Quentin Tarantino. The issue of the Django Unchained comic book mini-series from DC/Vertigo Comics is available now in comic book stores (and online), and in advance of tomorrow’s film debut, Wired has a look at the Tarantino’s introduction to the comic, along with the original character sketches by artist R.M. Guéra and a six-page preview of the first issue.

The comic is an incredibly faithful adaptation of Tarantino’s movie script – the first issue is the first few scenes of the film, almost line for line. Drawing on the director’s story, the book’s interior art comes from Guéra, who made characters that hew closely to their actor counterparts but are their own characters entirely. The artist’s Django, the slave that becomes a bounty hunter, has a more steely cowboy vibe than smooth, cool Jamie Foxx; ruthless plantation owner Calvin Candie looks even more maniacal than Leonardo DiCaprio; and Candie’s house slave Stephen looks far more jowly and grizzled on the page than Samuel L. Jackson does on screen.

“Growing up I read the adventures of Kid Colt Outlaw, TOMAHAWK, The Rawhide Kid, BAT LASH, and especially, Yang (which was basically the Kung Fu TV show done as a comic), and Gunhawks featuring Reno Jones (a Jim Brown stand-in) and Kid Cassidy (a David Cassidy stand-in), which for my money was the greatest Blaxploitation Western ever made,” Tarantino says in the first issue’s intro. “And it’s in that spirit of cinematic comics literature that I present to you Django Unchained.”

Tarantino’s version of the story hits theaters Dec. 25.

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Jessica Simpson’s Christmas gift: She’s pregnant

NEW YORK (AP) — Jessica Simpson‘s daughter has the news all spelled out: “Big Sis.”

Simpson on Tuesday tweeted a photo of her baby daughter Maxwell playing in the sand, the words “Big Sis” spelled out.

The 32-year-old old singer and personality has been rumored to be expecting again. The tweet appears to confirm the rumors.

“Merry Christmas from my family to yours” is the picture’s caption. Simpson used a tweet on Halloween in 2011 to announce she was pregnant with Maxwell. She is engaged to Eric Johnson and gave birth to Maxwell in May.

One possible complication regarding her pregnancy: She is a spokeswoman for Weight Watchers.

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Dueling Santa trackers are off and running

Google's Santa Tracker

A screen grab from Google's Santa Tracker.
(Google / December 24, 2012)

All year long Santa keeps an eye on you. Now it's time to turn the tables.

One day a year, you are invited to keep an eye on Santa as he whips around the world in his sleigh, delivering a dizzying number of presents to children all over the world.

If you'd like to see where Santa is at the moment, you've got choices. Google and NORAD, which used to team up for your Santa tracking pleasure, have gone their separate ways this year and created two distinct tracking options.

Google's Santa Tracker is the slicker of the two. It takes you to Santa's Dashboard, where you can see Santa's current location, his next location, the number of miles traveled, and the number of presents delivered. Santa is also adding Twitter like status updates. The most recent one as of this writing: "Rudolph's nose just turned red." 

PHOTOS: Google Doodles of 2012

You can also click on the map and see where Santa has been, as noted by little present icons on the map. Click on the icon and you'll see how many presents Santa has delivered in each city. When Santa is on the move, you'll see him flying on the map in a sleigh. When he's stopped to deliver presents, you'll see him shoving presents down a chimney.

Over at the official NORAD Tracks Santa website you'll also find a running tally of how many presents Santa has delivered as well as what city he just left and what city he's currently headed toward. NORAD also offers Santa Cams that show animations of Santa flying around the world. 

Both Santa tracking services offer loads of extras. If you visit Santa's Village on Google's tracker you can send a message from  Santa to a friend or family member. And NORAD has more than 1,200 volunteers staffing a Santa hotline to answer all your Santa questions.  (877-HI-NORAD).

In the spirit of the season you might try them both out, but hurry up. The trackers shut down a few hours before Christmas morning. 

Happy tracking!


Rumored iPad 5 to be thinner -- and land in March

Battle of the Santa trackers: Google takes on NORAD




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Army Goes Goth With 'Super-Black' Materials

Get ready to break out the eyeliner and the candelabras, because the Army is going goth.

In its latest round of solicitations for small businesses, the Army is asking for proposals for super-black material. That is, material so black that it absorbs 99 percent of all light. But it isn’t really black paint, exactly. The plan is to use either an “antireflective coating or surface treatment process for metals” to absorb stray light “in the ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and far-infrared regions.” This, the Army hopes, will boost the quality of high-resolution cameras, while also cooling down sensitive electronics. Or to put it another way: The Army needs the color black to reflect its icy-cold heart.

Another curious thing is that the program is being run out of the Army’s Program Executive Office Ammunition at the Picatinny Arsenal, a main center for the Pentagon’s experiments in all sorts of weapons: from rifles and tank cannons to directed-energy weapons. But the purpose of the solicitation isn’t much more specific than described. “Simply put, it’s too early yet to speculate on where the technology(s) will go,” Frank Misurelli, an Army spokesman at Picatinny said in a statement provided to Danger Room. ”Possibly in a few months, after an contract has been awarded, more information may become available.”

But for whatever the Army wants to fade to black, it seems that regular black isn’t good enough. This is because most black paint will absorb only around 90-95 percent of light, with the other 5-10 percent reflected back outwards. For a high-resolution camera, that stray light can bounce back into the lens and interfere with the quality of an image. It’s even a problem for NASA’s ultra-deep-space sensors. In the extreme coldness of space, black paint turns a silver-y color, which increases heat and can interfere with infrared-detecting instruments.

But wait, doesn’t black get really hot when hit with light, like wearing black clothes during the summer? The answer is: sorta. Black is really good at absorbing heat, but is also really good at radiating heat away. This is why cooling fins, radiators and engines for cars and trucks are often painted black. In 2011, NASA developed a carbon-nanotube coating that absorbed between 98-99.5 percent of light, depending on the wavelength. Nor do the coating’s thin layers of nanotubes change color in extreme cold. They absorb more light, and help radiate heat away from instruments, keeping them cold.

The Army could go another route. A second option uncovered by Britain’s National Physical Laboratory involves immersing an object in a solution of nickel and sodium for several hours, which blackens the color, and then taking it out and dunking it in nitric acid for a few seconds. According to New Scientist, this creates an alloy pock-marked with tiny microscopic craters that prevent light from bouncing away.

Finally, the Army also hopes to expand the materials to “optical glass surfaces” — camera lenses, in other words — while testing to see whether “it will be able to survive in a military environment.” The material should also come in “multiple surface colors” and be able to “selectively exhibit earth color instead of broadband absorption.” And another hope is to use the materials to absorb water to cool down equipment. See, it’s tough out there being goth, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do it in comfort.

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‘Not Fade Away’: An Age Gap Defined by the Rolling Stones

LOS ANGELES ( – For David Chase, the counterculture revolution that consumed the 1960s was a generational conflict that played out against a soundtrack of killer rock songs.

“The Sopranos” creator is poised to make his film directing debut this week with the release of “Not Fade Away” at the age of 67, but for his first foray into big screen entertainment he is fixated on a younger generation, albeit one from a very different era. The movie centers on a rock band coming of age in New Jersey, and never quite making it to the big time.

It stars John Magaro (a dead-ringer for Bob Dylan), Bella Heathcote (“Dark Shadows”) and “The Sopranos” veteran James Gandolfini, here standing in for exasperated parenthood.

For Magaro, the film is really a distillation of the conflict between art and war – with the younger generation siding more with music, while the older one opted for arms.

“It’s about the threat of nuclear war in the ’60s countered by the life and hope that rock ‘n’ roll gave to a generation,” he said. “It’s the ultimate choice, really.”

That kind of generational clash was never wider than during that tumultuous decade, argues music supervisor and executive producer Steven Van Zandt, who is, after all, something of an authority on the situation thanks to his work with Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band.

“It’s a little hard to explain to people now, but I don’t think it’s happened before the ’60s, and it hasn’t happened since,” Van Zandt said at a press conference for the film last weekend. “So maybe it was a very unique period of time, but there’s an expression called the generation gap, and it really did exist. It was the only time in history I think where the parents and their own children were completely at odds with each other. They did not relate to each other at all.”

“Not Fade Away” is not a musical, but it is a movie in which music is paramount to the story — indeed, some sections play out almost as music videos for anthems like the Rolling Stones‘ “Lady Jane” or Joey Dee and the Starliters’ “The Peppermint Twist.”

In fact, music is more totemic for the band of aspiring rockers than major historical events like the Vietnam War and the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination that unfold around them and define the decade. Van Zandt claims that kind of tunnel vision reflects his own experience during the period.

“I was there and, you know, it was, like, yeah, civil rights going on, the cities are burning down and assassinations and Vietnam, but let’s get the chords to the new Yardbirds song,” he said.

For the characters, the defining moment instead is not news reports of riots in Watts or shots of bodybags being loaded onto Chinook helicopters. Rather it is the first U.S. national television appearance by the Rolling Stones on “The Hollywood Palace” in 1964 that makes the biggest impression.

During the program, an eye-rolling Dean Martin makes it clear that the Stones’ brand of sensual blues is at odds with his Vegas style crooning.

“I saw that when it happened,” Gandolfini recalled during the press conference. “And I saw my past and future in front of me. Dean Martin making fun of the Rolling Stones. And it was the most important moment of – well, first or second most important moment of my life because the Beatles happened four months earlier, which was the first most important moment of my life.”

To help the twenty-somethings tapped to portray the film’s youthful protagonists understand the impact this music had on Gandolfini’s generation, Paramount, the studio behind the film, sent them dozens of records from the likes of the Stones and the Paul Butterfield Blues band. Though Chase joked that many actors auditioning for the roles mispronounced Mick Jagger as Mick Yagar, he found that his troop of actors quickly embraced the music that forms the spine of his movie.

“It’s so much better than what has mass appeal today,” Heathcote told TheWrap. “There’s something about it, particularly with the Stones, they don’t give a s—, they just carried that air, and Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were sexy guys. There was something about them that was original and so timeless.”

It also called for Van Zandt to run a musical boot camp for Magaro and the other actors who make up the band, none of whom played the instruments they were expected to use on screen. After three months of drilling, Magaro said he got the hang of the drums.

“I wouldn’t say I’m the next Ginger Baker, but I was able to play the songs,” he said. “I was lucky, because early rock ‘n’ roll like Chuck Berry and the Kinks used really simple beats.”

It all builds up to a final evocative image of a young girl, the sister of Magaro’s character and the film’s narrator, dancing in the middle of a deserted Sunset Boulevard. As she sways, she talks about the choice between Armageddon and rock. It’s clear, where Chase sides.

“What she says is a thought that I had one time at a Stones concert and it was my way of saying how powerful and how beautiful that music really is,” Chase said.

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Gifts That Keep Giving (if Not Exploding)

Gregory Tobias/Chemical Heritage Foundation Collections

A Chemcraft set from the mid-1950s. More Photos »

Ask scientists of a certain age about their childhood memories, and odds are they’ll start yarning about the stink bombs and gunpowder they concocted with their chemistry sets. Dangerous? Yes, but fun.

“Admittedly, I have blown some things up in my time,” said William L. Whittaker, 64, a robotics professor at Carnegie Mellon University who unearthed his first chemistry set, an A. C. Gilbert, in a junkyard around age 8. By 16, he was dabbling in advanced explosives. “There’s no question that I burned some skin off my face,” he recalled.

Under today’s Christmas tree, girls and boys will unwrap science toys of a very different ilk: slime-making kits and perfume labs, vials of a fluff-making polymer called Insta-Snow, “no-chem” chemistry sets (chemical free!), plus a dazzling array of modern telescopes, microscopes and D.I.Y. volcanoes. Nothing in these gifts will set the curtains on fire.

“Basically, you have to be able to eat everything in the science kit,” said Jim Becker, president of SmartLab Toys, who recalled learning the names of chemicals from his childhood chemistry set, which contained substances that have long since been banned from toys.

Some scientists lament the passing of the trial-and-error days that inspired so many careers. “Science kits are a lot less open-ended these days,” said Kimberly Gerson, a science blogger who lives outside Toronto. “Everything is packaged. It’s either ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ If you don’t get the right result, you’ve done it wrong and you’re out of chemicals.”

Others, though, say the new crop of science toys — even with their cartoonish packaging and heavy emphasis on neon goo — actually represent progress. More entertaining, educational and accessible than earlier products, which relied heavily on a child’s inner motivation, these toys may actually help democratize the learning of science and introduce children to scientific methods and concepts at an earlier age.

“I grew up in the 1960s, and a lot of the chemistry sets were kind of boring,” said William Gurstelle, a science and technology writer. “You’d go through the book, and at the end of the experiment you’d get some light precipitate at the bottom of the beaker. Maybe at most it changes color or something.”

Mr. Gurstelle’s books, which include “Whoosh Boom Splat” and “Backyard Ballistics,” teach people how to make dangerous projectiles, like a potato cannon that uses hair spray as launching fluid. But he had high praise for commercial science kits, which show children (among other things) how to make slime.

Jeff Swensen for The New York Times

William L. Whittaker at the Planetary Robotics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University surrounded by the robots he has created.

“Well, that’s a pretty cool thing to have when you’re done,” Mr. Gurstelle said. “You’re not going to really learn to be a chemist from a chemistry set when you’re in seventh grade; you’re just going to be inspired. The point is that new chemistry sets and new toys are just better, because the manufacturers have figured out how to make them more fun.”

Some toy makers, like SmartLab, Mr. Becker’s company, have used this philosophy to give classic toys a makeover. One of SmartLab’s takes on a chemistry set, for instance, is the Extreme Secret Formula Lab, which comes with “squishy-lidded bubble test tubes” and “an abundance of glow-in-the-dark powder.” The game of Mousetrap has been re-envisioned as the Weird and Wacky Contraption Lab, meant to bring out children’s Rube Goldberg talents. And the slot car tracks that Mr. Becker recalls snapping together in his youth have been translated into a robot called ReCon 6.0, which children can program to roam around.

Mike Kane for The New York Times

Jim Becker of SmartLab Toys.

“What we do is give kids the opportunity to learn through problem solving,” Mr. Becker said.

Of course, technology has also remade the experience of learning science. Children may be more likely to click on a science app than to go play outside.

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Raging fire guts Kabul market

KABUL, Afghanistan -- Firefighters battled through the night to contain a raging fire that swept through a market in the Afghan capital.

No injuries were reported, but the blaze destroyed hundreds of stores and millions of dollars worth of merchandise, Afghan police and firefighters said at the scene. 

Dealers at the neighboring currency exchange, the city’s largest, said they evacuated cash, computer equipment and records from their shops as the flames approached during the night. But in the morning, the market was jammed with people haggling over thick stacks of notes as smoke billowed overhead.

Col. Mohammed Qasem, general director of the Kabul fire department, said he suspected an electrical short was to blame for the fire. 

Gas canisters used to heat the stores propelled the flames, along with the cloth and clothing sold by many of the vendors, Qasem said. “It made it very big in a short time.”

Firefighters from the Afghan defense department and NATO forces were sent to assist. But the city’s notorious traffic and the market’s narrow lanes made it difficult for responders to maneuver their vehicles, Qasem said.

Abdulrahman, who like many Afghans has only one name, squatted near a fire truck with his head in his hands  as responders aimed a hose at the blackened ruins of a building still smoldering at noon Sunday, more than 12 hours after the fire broke out.

He said the building had contained three shops that he owned and a warehouse full of glassware, crockery and kitchen utensils. 

“I lost everything,” he said.

Shirali Khan complained that police hadn't allowed him to remove the goods from his four clothing stores.

“They thought we were all robbers,” he said.  “There’s only ashes left.”


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Special correspondent Hashmat Baktash contributed to this report.

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‘Hobbit’ extends No. 1 journey with $36.7 million

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Tiny hobbit Bilbo Baggins is running circles around some of the biggest names in Hollywood.

Peter Jackson’s “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” took in $ 36.7 million to remain No. 1 at the box office for the second-straight weekend, easily beating a rush of top-name holiday newcomers.

Part one of Jackson’s prelude to his “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, the Warner Bros. release raised its domestic total to $ 149.9 million after 10 days. The film added $ 91 million overseas to bring its international total to $ 284 million and its worldwide haul to $ 434 million.

The Hobbit” took a steep 57 percent drop from its domestic $ 84.6 million opening weekend, but business was soft in general as many people skipped movies in favor of last-minute Christmas preparations.

“The real winner this weekend might be holiday shopping,” said Paul Dergarabedian, an analyst for box-office tracker

Tom Cruise‘s action thriller “Jack Reacher” debuted in second-place with a modest $ 15.6 million debut, according to studio estimates Sunday. Based on the Lee Child best-seller “One Shot,” the Paramount Pictures release stars Cruise as a lone-wolf ex-military investigator tracking a sniper conspiracy.

Opening at No. 3 with $ 12 million was Judd Apatow’s marital comedy “This Is 40,” a Universal Pictures film featuring Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann reprising their roles from the director’s 2007 hit “Knocked Up.”

Paramount’s road-trip romp “The Guilt Trip,” featuring “Knocked Up” star Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand, debuted weakly at No. 6 with $ 5.4 million over the weekend and $ 7.4 million since it opened Wednesday. Playing in narrower release, Paramount’s acrobatic fantasy “Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away” debuted at No. 11 with $ 2.1 million.

A 3-D version of Disney’s 2001 animated blockbuster “Monsters, Inc.” also had a modest start at No. 7 with $ 5 million over the weekend and $ 6.5 million since opening Wednesday.

Domestic business was off for the first time in nearly two months. Overall revenues totaled $ 112 million, down 12.6 percent from the same weekend last year, when Cruise’s “Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol” debuted with $ 29.6 million, according to

Cruise’s “Jack Reacher” opened at barely half the level as “Ghost Protocol,” but with a $ 60 million budget, the new flick cost about $ 100 million less to make.

Starting on Christmas, Hollywood expects a big week of movie-going with schools out through New Year’s Day and many adults taking time off. So Paramount and other studios are counting on strong business for films that started slowly this weekend.

“‘Jack Reacher’ will end up in a very good place. The movie will be profitable for Paramount,” said Don Harris, the studio’s head of distribution. “The first time I saw the movie I saw dollar signs. It certainly wasn’t intended to be compared to a ‘Mission: Impossible,’ though.”

Likewise, Warner Bros. is looking for steady crowds for “The Hobbit” over the next week, despite the debut of two huge newcomers — the musical “Les Miserables” and the action movie “Django Unchained” — on Christmas Day.

“We haven’t reached the key holiday play time yet,” said Dan Fellman, head of distribution for Warner. “It explodes on Tuesday and goes right through the end of the year.”

In limited release, Kathryn Bigelow’s Osama bin Laden manhunt saga “Zero Dark Thirty” played to packed houses with $ 410,000 in just five theaters, averaging a huge $ 82,000 a cinema.

That compares to a $ 4,654 average in 3,352 theaters for “Jack Reacher” and a $ 4,130 average in 2,913 cinemas for “This Is 40.” ”The Guilt Trip” averaged $ 2,217 in 2,431 locations, and “Monsters, Inc.” averaged $ 1,925 in 2,618 cinemas. Playing just one matinee and one evening show a day at 840 theaters, “Cirque du Soleil” averaged $ 2,542.

Since opening Wednesday, “Zero Dark Thirty” has taken in $ 639,000. Distributor Sony plans to expand the acclaimed film to nationwide release Jan. 11, amid film honors and nominations leading up to the Feb. 24 Academy Awards.

Opening in 15 theaters from Lionsgate banner Summit Entertainment, Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor’s tsunami-survival drama “The Impossible” took in $ 138,750 for an average of $ 9,250.

A fourth new release from Paramount, “The Sopranos” creator David Chase’s 1960s rock ‘n’ roll tale “Not Fade Away,” debuted with $ 19,000 in three theaters, averaging $ 6,333.

Universal’s “Les Miserables” got a head-start on its domestic release with a $ 4.2 million debut in Japan.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Where available, latest international numbers are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1. “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” $ 36.7 million ($ 91 million international).

2. “Jack Reacher,” $ 15.6 million ($ 2.5 million international).

3. “This Is 40,” $ 12 million.

4. “Rise of the Guardians,” $ 5.9 million ($ 13.7 million international).

5. “Lincoln,” $ 5.6 million.

6. “The Guilt Trip,” $ 5.4 million.

7. “Monsters, Inc.” in 3-D, $ 5 million.

8. “Skyfall,” $ 4.7 million ($ 9 million international),

9. “Life of Pi,” $ 3.8 million ($ 23.2 million international).

10. “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2,” $ 2.6 million ($ 6.6 million international).


Estimated weekend ticket sales at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada) for films distributed overseas by Hollywood studios, according to Rentrak:

1. “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” $ 91 million.

2. “Life of Pi,” $ 23.2 million.

3. “Rise of the Guardians,” $ 13.7 million.

4. “Skyfall,” $ 9 million.

5. “Wreck-It Ralph,” $ 7.3 million.

6. “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2,” $ 6.6 million.

7. “Pitch Perfect,” $ 6 million.

8. “Les Miserables,” $ 4.2 million.

9. “Love 911,” $ 3.2 million.

10. “De L’autre Cote du Periph,” $ 3.1 million.




Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.

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Title Post: ‘Hobbit’ extends No. 1 journey with $36.7 million

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